- J. Jasper, E. King, D. Mixon.
Game of Sloanes: Best known
packings in complex projective space.
- E. King.
Constructing Subspace Packings from Other Packings.
- S. Dittmer, E. King, P. Maass.
Singular values for
ReLU layers.
- B. Bodmann, E. King.
Optimal arrangements of
classical and quantum states with limited purity.
- S. Schulze, E. King.
Musical Instrument Separation on Shift-Invariant Spectrograms via
Stochastic Dictionary Learning.
- E. King.
New Constructions and Characterizations of Flat and Almost Flat Grassmannian Fusion Frames.
- E. King, X. Tang.
New Upper Bounds for Equiangular Lines by Pillar Decomposition.
- R. Reisenhofer, E. King.
Edge, ridge, and blob detection with symmetric molecules.
Supplementary Materials (PDF)
To appear: SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences, 2019.
- E. King
2- and 3-Covariant Equiangular Tight Frames.
To appear: Sampling Theory in Signal and Image Processing: Special Issue
SampTA 2019
- L. Duflot, R. Reisenhofer, B. Tamadazte, N. Andreff, A. Krupa.
Wavelet and
Shearlet-Based Image Representations for Visual Servoing.
The International Journal of Robotics Research,
DOI: 10.1177/0278364918769739
- M. Fickus, J. Jasper, E. King, D. Mixon.
Equiangular tight frames that
contain regular simplices.
Linear Algebra and its Applications
555:98–138, 2018.
- L. Bungert, D. A. Coomes, M. Ehrhardt, J. Rasch, R. Reisenhofer, C. Schönlieb.
Blind Image Fusion for Hyperspectral Imaging
with the Directional Total Variation.
Leon Bungert et al, Inverse Problems
34 044003,
DOI: 10.1088/1361-6420/aaf63
- R. Reisenhofer, S. Bosse, T. Wiegand, G. Kutyniok.
A Haar Wavelet-Based
Perceptual Similarity Index for Image Quality Assessment.
Signal Processing: Image Communication,
61:33-43, 2018.
- H. Karbalaali, A. Javaherian, S. Dahlke, R. Reisenhofer, S. Torabi.
Seismic Channel Edge Detection Using 3D Shearlets - A Study on Synthetic and Real Channelized 3D Seismic Data.
Geophysical Prospecting. 66:1272-1289, 2018.
DOI: 10.1111/1365-2478.12629
- E. King, M. Skopina.
On biorthogonal
p-adic wavelet bases.
Notes of Scientific
Seminars of the St. Petersburg Department of the Steklov Mathematical
Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, 455:67-83, 2017.
English version:
Journal of Mathematical Sciences, 234:158-169,
DOI: 10.1007/s10958-018-3992-9
- G. Kutyniok, W. Lim, R. Reisenhofer.
ShearLab 3D: Faithful Digital Shearlet Transforms Based on
Compactly Supported Shearlets.
Transactions on Mathematical Software (TOMS), 42(1):5:1-5:42, ACM, 2016.
DOI: 10.1145/2740960
- R. Reisenhofer, J. Kiefer, E. King.
Shearlet-Based Detection of Flame Fronts.
Experiments in Fluids, 57(3):41, Springer Verlag, 2016.
DOI: 10.1007/s00348-016-2128-6
- E. King, G. Kutyniok, X. Zhuang.
Analysis of Inpainting via Clustered Sparsity and
Microlocal Analysis.
Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision,
48(2):205-234, Springer
Verlag, 2014.
DOI: 10.1007/s10851-013-0422-y
- W. Czaja, E. King.
Anistropic shearlet transforms for L2(ℝk).
Mathematische Nachrichten, 287(8):903-916, 2014.
DOI: 10.1002/mana.201000035
- E. King.
parseval frames for L2(ℝ) and generalizations to L2(ℝd) .
International Journal of
Wavelets, Multiresolution and Information Processing, 11(6), World
Scientific, 2013.
DOI: 10.1142/S0219691313500471
- W. Czaja, E. King.
Isotropic shearlet analogs for L2(ℝk) and localization operators.
Functional Analysis and Optimization, 33:872-905, 2012.
DOI: 10.1080/01630563.2012.682137
- E. King, M. Skopina.
Quincunx multiresolution analysis for L2(ℚ2
p-Adic Numbers,
Ultrametric Analysis and Applications, 2(3):222-231, 2010.
DOI: 10.1134/S2070046610030040
- J. Benedetto, E. King.
Smooth functions associated with wavelet sets on ℝd, d≥1, and
frame bound gaps.
Acta Applicandae Mathematicae, 107(1):121-142,
DOI: 10.1007/s10440-008-9412-2
- S. Schulze, E. King.
A Frequency-Uniform and Pitch-Invariant
Time-Frequency Representation.
To appear: Proceedings in Applied
Mathematics and Mechanics - 90th GAMM Annual Meeting - 2019.
- E. J. King (joint work with A. Fink, C. Vinzant, and S. Waldron)
Decomposing (equiangular) tight frames into (equiangular) tight frames for their spans.
Oberwolfach Reports -MiniWorkshop: Algebraic, Geometric, and
Combinatorial Methods in Frame Theory, 46:29-32, 2018.
DOI: 10.4171/OWR/2018/46
- E. King, J. M. Murphy.
A theoretical guarantee for data completion via
geometric separation.
Proc. Appl. Math. Mech., 17:833-834, Wiley, 2017.
DOI: 10.1002/pamm.201710384
- E. King.
Algebraic and geometric spread in finite frames.
Proc. SPIE
9597, Wavelets and Sparsity XVI, 95970B (24 August 2015).
DOI: 10.1117/12.2188541.
- E. King, R. Reisenhofer, J. Kiefer, W. Lim, Z. Li, G. Heygster.
Shearlet-based edge
detection: flame fronts and tidal flats.
Proc. SPIE
9599, Applications of
Digital Image Processing XXXVIII, 959905 (22 September 2015).
DOI: 10.1117/12.2188652.
- E. King.
Frame theory for locally compact abelian groups.
Proc. SPIE 8858, Wavelets and
Sparsity XV, 88581R (26 September 2013).
DOI: 10.1117/12.2025018
- E. King, G. Kutyniok, W. Lim.
Image inpainting: theoretical analysis and comparison of
Proc. SPIE 8858, Wavelets and Sparsity XV,
885802 (26 September 2013).
DOI: 10.1117/12.2025401.
- M. Ehler, E. Dobrosotskaya, E. King, R. Bonner.
Quantification of retinal chromophores through
autofluorescence imaging to identify precursors of age-related macular
In: T. Andrews, R. Balan, J. Benedetto, W.
Czaja, K. Okoudjou (eds)
Excursions in Harmonic Analysis: Applied and Numerical Harmonic
Analysis, 2:355-371, Birkhäuser, Boston, 2013.
DOI: 10.1007/978-0-8176-8379-5_18
- E. King.
Analysis of inpainting via clustered sparsity and microlocal analysis.
Oberwolfach Reports: Applied Harmonic Analysis and Sparse Approximation,
9(2):1802-1806, 2012.
- E. King, G. Kutyniok, X. Zhuang.
Analysis of data separation and recovery problems using clustered sparsity.
Proc. SPIE 8138, Wavelets and Sparsity XIV, 813818 (27 September 2011).
DOI: 10.1117/12.892723.
- E. Dobrosotskaya, M. Ehler, E. King, R. Bonner, W. Czaja.
Modeling of the rhodopsin bleaching with
variational analysis of retinal images.
Proc. SPIE 7962,
Medical Imaging 2011: Image Processing, 79624N (31 May 2011).
DOI: 10.1117/12.878709
- M. Ehler, E. Dobrosotskaya, E.
King, W. Czaja, R. Bonner.
Modeling photo-bleaching kinetics to map
local variations in rod rhodopsin density.
Proc. SPIE
7963, Medical Imaging 2011: Computer-Aided Diagnosis, 79633R (9 March
DOI: 10.1117/12.878421
- E. King.
Shearlets and representation theory (and the Wick calculus).
Reports - Operator Algebras and Representation Theory: Frames, Wavelets and
Fractals, 8:961-963, 2011.
- M. Ehler, Z. Majumdar, E.
King, E. Dobrosotskaya, E. Chew, W. Wong, D. Cunningham, W. Czaja, R.
High-resolution autofluorescence imaging for mapping molecular
processes within the human retina.
26th Southern Biomedical Engineering
Conference, International Federation for Medical & Biomedical Engineering.
IFMBE Proceedings Series: Intern.Fed. for Medical & Biological Engineering,
32:344-347, Springer Verlag, 2010.
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-14998-6_88
- E. Dobrosotskaya, M. Ehler, E. King, R. Bonner, W. Czaja.
Sparse representation and variational
methods in retinal image processing.
26th Southern Biomedical Engineering
Conference, International Federation for Medical & Biomedical Engineering.
IFMBE Proceedings Series: Intern.Fed. for Medical & Biological Engineering,
32:361-364, Springer Verlag, 2010.
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-14998-6_92
PhD Theses
Rafael Reisenhofer
Image Analysis via Applied
Harmonic Analysis: Perceptual Image Quality Assessment, Visual Servoing, and
Feature Detection.
Supervisors: Prof. Dr.
Emily King, Prof. Dr. Armin Iske
Frederieke Miesner
Advanced Inverse Modeling of
Sediment Thermal Diffusion Processes.
Supervisors: Prof. Dr.
Armin Lechleiter, Prof. Dr. Emily King
Marcel Rennoch
Regularization Methods in Banach
Spaces Applied to Inverse Medium Scattering Problems.
Prof. Dr. Armin Lechleiter, Prof. Dr. Emily King
Master's Theses
Lukas Zumvorde
Distributed Kalman Filtering for
Large-Scale Dynamic Systems with Sparsely Coupled States.
Supervisors: Prof. Dr. Henning Paul, Prof. Dr. Emily King
Sören Dittmer
Mathematical Analysis of Information Loss and Errors in Neural Networks.
Supervisors: Prof. Dr. Emily King, Prof. Dr. Peter Maaß
Sören Schulze
Spectogram-based Musical Instrument Separation via Pitch-invariant
Supervisors: Prof. Dr. Emily King, Prof. Dr. Peter Maaß
Alina Stürck
Shearlet-based image inpainting.
Supervisors: Prof. Dr. Emily King, Prof. Dr. Götz Pfander (Jacobs University Bremen)
Joshua Bendig
From One-Dimensional Signals to Hyperspectral Images: Robustness and
Numerical Experiments in Compressed Sensing.
Supervisors: Prof. Dr. Peter Maaß, Prof. Dr. Emily King
Bachelor's Theses
Pegah Golchian
Klaviertonhöhenerkennung mit
Convolutional Neural Networks
Sören Schulze
Laura Breitkopf
Tangent and Curvature Estimation
of 2D Point Clouds
Supervisors: Prof. Dr. Emily King, Prof. Dr. Nate Strawn