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Wichtige Informationen und Studienverlaufspläne zum Bachelor und Master (Lehramt Gymnasium / Oberschule) - Stand: Oktober 2016

Studienverlaufsplan GTW Master - Stand: Oktober 2016

We also allocate a compendium about working academically.

Overview of programs

Because of changes in the structure of the offered Bachelor and Master programs at the University of Bremen, there are different regulations for studies in mathematics education available.

(A)  Teachers Education for Gymnasium / Oberschule / Berufliche Schulen

1. Bachelor

a) Beginning of Studies since winter semester 2013/14:

General information about the Bachelor program for mathematics teacher education at Datenbank Studium.
Official examination regulations 2013:

You may find a summarizing description about the current document for you here,
and a summarizing table of the study program here.

b) Beginning of studies in winter semester 2011/2012 or winter semester 2012/2013:

As a guidance we provide for you a possible structure of studies Studienstruktur WS 2011/12 und WS 2012/13

2. Master

(B)  Teachers Education for Elementary School

1. Bachelor

General information about the study program can be found at Datenbank Studium.

As a guidance we provide a possible structure of studies for "großes Fach" and "kleines Fach":

2. Master

General information about the study program can be fond at Datenbank Studium.

As a guidance we provide a possible structure of studies for "großes Fach" and "kleines Fach":