Publikationen der Ehemalige AAG Mathematische Modellierung komplexer Systeme
Zeitschriftenartikel (30)
- S. Schulze, J. Leuschner, E. King.
Blind Source Separation in Polyphonic Music Recordings Using Deep Neural Networks Trained via Policy Gradients.
MDPI Open Access Journals Signals, 2(4):637-661, 2021.DOI: 10.3390/signals2040039
online unter: - S. Dashkovskiy, M. Kosmykov.
A Lyapunov-Razumikhin approach for stability analysis of logistics networks with time-delays.
International Journal of Systems Science, 43(5), 845–853, Taylor & Francis, 2012.DOI: 10.1080/00207721.2010.528179
online unter: - S. Dashkovskiy, M. Görges, L. Naujok.
Autonomous control methods in logistics - a mathematical perspective.
Applied Mathematical Modelling, 36(7):2947-2960, Elsevier, 2012. - S. Dashkovskiy, M. Kosmykov, A. Mironchenko, L. Naujok.
Stability of interconnected impulsive systems with and without time-delays using Lyapunov methods.
Nonlinear Analysis: Hybrid Systems, 6(3):899-915, Elsevier, unter:
- B. Scholz-Reiter, S. Dashkovskiy, F. Wirth, M. Schönlein, M. Kosmykov, T. Makuschewitz.
A comparison of mathematical modelling approaches for stability analysis of supply chains.
International Journal of Logistics Systems and Management, 10(2):208-223, 2011. - S. Dashkovskiy, M. Kosmykov, F. Wirth.
A small gain condition for interconnections of ISS systems with mixed ISS characterizations.
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 56(6):1247-1258, unter:
- S. Dashkovskiy, S. Pavlichkov.
Backstepping for nonsmooth MIMO nonlinear Volterra systems with noninvertible input-output maps and controllability of their large-scale interconnections.
Nonlinear Dynamics and Systems Theory, 11(4):411-424, unter:
- S. Dashkovskiy, D. Efimov, E. Sontag.
Input to State Stability and Allied System Properties.
Automation and Remote Control, 72(8), 1579–1614, 2011. - S. Dashkovskiy, M. Görges, M. Kosmykov, A. Mironchenko, L. Naujok.
Modeling and stability analysis of autonomously controlled production networks.
Logistics Research, 3(2):145-157, Springer Verlag, 2011.DOI: 10.1007/s12159-011-0049-6
online unter: - S. Dashkovskiy, H. Ito, F. Wirth.
On a small gain theorem for ISS networks in dissipative Lyapunov form.
European Journal of Control, 17(4):357-365, unter:
- B. Scholz-Reiter, S. Dashkovskiy, M. Görges, L. Naujok.
Stability analysis of autonomously controlled production networks.
International Journal of Production Research, 49(16):4857-4877, Taylor & Francis, unter:
- B. Scholz-Reiter, F. Wirth, S. Dashkovskiy, M. Schönlein, T. Makuschewitz, M. Kosmykov.
Structure-preserving model reduction of large-scale logistics networks - applications for supply chains.
The European Physical Journal B , 84(4):501-520, Springer Verlag, unter:
- S. Dashkovskiy, S. Pavlichkov.
Adding an integrator and uniform ISS stabilization for switched MIMO triangular systems with unknown switched signal and right invertible input-output maps.
Kharkov University Vestnik , 931:99-112, unter:
- S. Dashkovskiy, N. A. Duffie.
Delay-Dependent Stability Analysis for Large Scale Production Networks of Autonomous Work Systems.
International Journal of Nonlinear Dynamics and Systems Theory, 10(1):55-63, unter:
- S. Dashkovskiy, L. Naujok.
ISDS small-gain theorem and construction of ISDS Lyapunov functions for interconnected systems.
Systems & Control Letters, 59(5):299-304, Elsevier, unter:
- N. A. Duffie, S. Dashkovskiy.
Local Capacity H∞ Control for Production Networks of Autonomous Work Systems with Time-Varying Delays.
IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, 7(4):849-857, 2010. - S. Dashkovskiy, B. Rüffer.
Local ISS of large-scale interconnections and estimates for stability regions.
Systems & Control Letters, 59(3):241-247, Elsevier, unter:
- S. Dashkovskiy, H. Kreowski, S. Kuske, A. Mironchenko, L. Naujok, C. von Totth.
Production Networks as Communities of Autonomous Units and Their Stability.
International Electronic Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, 2(1):17-42, 2010. - S. Dashkovskiy, B. Rüffer, F. Wirth.
Small gain theorems for large scale systems and construction of ISS Lyapunov functions.
SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, 48(6):4089-4118, unter:
- B. Scholz-Reiter, F. Wirth, S. Dashkovskiy, T. Jagalski, T. Makuschewitz.
Analyse der Dynamik großskaliger Netzwerke in der Logistik.
Industrie Management, 24(3):37-40, 2008. - B. Scholz-Reiter, F. Wirth, S. Dashkovskiy, T. Jagalski, T. Makuschewitz.
Die Dynamik komplexer Supply Chains.
EML Einkauf, Materialwirtschaft, Logistik, 48(9):10-13, 2008. - S. Dashkovskiy, B. Rüffer, F. Wirth.
An ISS Small Gain Theorem for General Networks.
Mathematics of Control, Signals and Systems, 19(2):93-122, unter:
- S. Dashkovskiy, B. Suhr, K. Tushtev, G. Grathwohl.
Nacre properties in the elastic range. Influence of the matrix incompressibility.
Computational Materials Science, 41:96-106, Elsevier, unter:
- S. Dashkovskiy, A. Narimanyan.
Thermal Plasma Cutting. Part I: Modified Mathematical Model.
Mathematical Modelling and Analysis, 12(4):441-458, unter:
- S. Dashkovskiy, M. Böhm.
Finite thermoplasticity with phase changes based on isomorphisms.
International Journal of Plasticity, 20:323-334, unter:
- S. Dashkovskiy, M. Böhm.
Objective modeling of some elastoplastic materials with phase changes.
Journal de Physique, 4(120):153-160, unter:
- S. Dashkovskiy.
Anisotropic function spaces and related semi-linear hypoelliptic equations .
Mathematische Nachrichten, 248:40-61, unter:
- S. Dashkovskiy.
Application of the Q-method to equations related to fractals.
, 30:37-47, unter:
- S. Dashkovskiy.
Torsional waves in the elastic tube with limited compliance of the boundary.
Moscow University Mechanics Bulletin, 52(4):9-12, Springer Verlag, 1997. - S. Dashkovskiy, M. Kosmykov.
Stability analysis of logistics networks with time-delays.
Erscheint in Production Planning & ControlDOI: 10.1080/09537287.2012.659867
online unter:
Tagungsbeiträge (43)
- S. Dashkovskiy, A. Mironchenko.
Constructions of ISS-Lyapunov functions for interconnected impulsive systems.
51st IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 10.12.-13.12.2012, Maui, Hawaii, USA.
- S. Dashkovskiy, A. Mironchenko.
Dwell-time conditions for robust stability of impulsive systems.
20th International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems (MTNS 2012), 09.07-13.07.2012, Melbourne, Australien.
online unter:
- S. Dashkovskiy, M. Görges, L. Naujok.
Stability analysis scheme for autonomously controlled production networks with transportations.
3rd International Conference on Dynamics in Logistics (LDIC 2012) , 27.02.-02.03.2012, Bremen, Deutschland.
- S. Dashkovskiy, M. Görges, L. Naujok.
Local input to state stability of production networks.
2nd International Conference on Dynamics in Logistics, 17.08.-21.08.2009, Bremen, Deutschland.
Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Dynamics in Logistics, S. 79-89, Springer Verlag, unter:
- S. Dashkovskiy, A. Mironchenko.
Local ISS of Reaction-Diffusion Systems.
18th IFAC World Congress, 28.08.-02.09.2011, Mailand, Italien.
Proceedings of the 18th IFAC World Congress, S. 11018-11023, 2011. - B. Scholz-Reiter, M. Schönlein, M. Kosmykov, T. Makuschewitz.
A comparison of mathematical modelling approaches for stability analysis of supply chains.
International Conference on Industrial Logistics "Logistics and Sustainability", 08.03.-11.03.2010, Rio de Janeiro, Brasilien.
Proceedings of the ICIL 2010, S. 297-305, 2010. - I. G. Polushin, S. Dashkovskiy.
A Small Gain Framework for Networked Cooperative Teleoperation.
8th IFAC Symposium on Nonlinear Control Systems, 01.09.-03.09.2010, Bologna, Italien.
Proceedings of the 8th IFAC Symposium on Nonlinear Control Systems, S. 90-95, 2010. - S. Dashkovskiy, M. Kosmykov, A. Mironchenko, L. Naujok.
Application of the LISS Lyapunov-Krasovskii small-gain theorem to autonomously controlled production networks with time-delays.
Conference on Control and Fault-Tolerant Systems, 06.10.-08.10.2010, Nizza, Frankreich.
Proceedings of the Conference on Control and Fault-Tolerant Systems, S. 765-770, 2010. - S. Dashkovskiy, S. Pavlichkov.
Backstepping for nonsmooth MIMO nonlinear Volterra systems with noninvertible input-output maps.
8th IFAC Symposium on Nonlinear Control Systems, 01.09.-03.09.2010, Bologna, Italien.
Proceedings of the 8th IFAC Symposium on Nonlinear Control Systems, S. 1158-1162, 2010. - S. Dashkovskiy, S. Pavlichkov.
Further Remarks on Global Stabilization of Generalized Triangular Systems.
19th International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems (MTNS 2010), 05.07.-09.07.2010, Budapest, Ungarn.
Proceedings of the 19th International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems, S. 1483-1487, 2010. - S. Dashkovskiy, M. Kosmykov, L. Naujok.
ISS of interconnected impulsive systems with and without time-delays.
8th IFAC Symposium on Nonlinear Control Systems, 01.09.-03.09.2010, Bologna, Italien.
Proceedings of the 8th IFAC Symposium on Nonlinear Control Systems, S. 831-836, 2010. - S. Dashkovskiy, L. Naujok.
Lyapunov-Razumikhin and Lyapunov-Krasovskii theorems for interconnected ISS time-delay systems.
19th International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems (MTNS 2010), 05.07.-09.07.2010, Budapest, Ungarn.
Proceedings of the 19th International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems, S. 1179-1184, 2010. - B. Scholz-Reiter, M. Görges, T. Jagalski, L. Naujok.
Modelling and analysis of an autonomous control method based on bacterial chemotaxis.
43rd CIRP International Conference on Manufacturing Systems, 26.05.-28.05.2010, Wien, Österreich.
Proceedings of the 43rd CIRP International Conference on Manufacturing Systems, S. 699-706, Neuer Wissenschaftlicher Verlag, Wien, 2010. - S. Dashkovskiy, A. Mironchenko.
On the uniform input-to-state stability of reaction-diffusion systems.
49th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 15.12.-17.12.2010, Atlanta, USA.
Proceedings of the 49th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, S. 6547-6552, 2010. - S. Dashkovskiy, H. Kreowski, S. Kuske, A. Mironchenko, L. Naujok, C. von Totth.
Production Networks as Communities of Autonomous Units and Their Stability.
3rd International Workshop on Graph Computation Models, 02.10.2010, Enschede, Niederlande.
Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Graph Computation Models, S. 17-32, 2010. - S. Dashkovskiy, L. Naujok.
Quasi-ISS and Quasi-ISDS Reduced-Order Observers for interconnected Systems.
49th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 15.12.-17.12.2010, Atlanta, USA.
Proceedings of the 49th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, S. 5732-5737, 2010. - S. Dashkovskiy, M. Kosmykov, F. Wirth.
A small gain condition for interconnections of ISS systems with mixed ISS characterizations.
European Control Conference 2009, 23.08.-26.08.2009, Budapest, Ungarn.
Proceedings of the European Control Conference 2009, S. 1083-1088, unter:
- B. Scholz-Reiter, F. Wirth, S. Dashkovskiy, M. Kosmykov, T. Makuschewitz, M. Schönlein.
An approach to model reduction of logistic networks based on ranking.
2nd International Conference on Dynamics in Logistics, 17.08.-21.08.2009, Bremen, Deutschland.
Erscheint in Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Dynamics in Logistics, Springer unter:
- B. Scholz-Reiter, M. Schönlein, F. Wirth, S. Dashkovskiy, T. Makuschewitz, M. Kosmykov.
Application of the PageRank algorithm for ranking locations of a production network.
42nd CIRP Conference on Manufacturing Systems , 03.06.-05.06.2009, Grenoble, Frankreich.
Proceedings of the 42nd CIRP Conference on Manufacturing Systems, unter:
- S. Dashkovskiy.
Exponential Synchronization of Master-Slave Neural Networks with Time-Delays.
European Control Conference 2009, 23.08.-26.08.2009, Budapest, Ungarn.
Proceedings of the European Control Conference 2009, S. 342-347, unter:
- S. Dashkovskiy, L. Naujok.
Input-to-state dynamical stability of interconnected systems.
48th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 16.12.-18.12.2009, Shanghai, China.
Proceedings of the 48th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, S. 1411-1416, unter:
- N. A. Duffie, S. Dashkovskiy.
Local Capacity H∞ Control for Production Networks of Autonomous Work Systems with Time-Varying Delays.
European Control Conference 2009, 23.08.-26.08.2009, Budapest, Ungarn.
Proceedings of the European Control Conference 2009, S. 2378-2383, unter:
- S. Dashkovskiy, H. Ito, F. Wirth.
On a small gain theorem for ISS networks in dissipative Lyapunov form.
European Control Conference 2009, 23.08.-26.08.2009, Budapest, Ungarn.
Proceedings of the European Control Conference 2009, S. 1077-1082, unter:
- H. Ito, S. Dashkovskiy, F. Wirth.
On A Small Gain Theorem for Networks of iISS Systems.
48th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 16.12.-18.12.2009, Shanghai, China.
Proceedings of the 48th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, S. 4210-4215, unter:
- B. Scholz-Reiter, F. Wirth, S. Dashkovskiy, M. Kosmykov, T. Makuschewitz, M. Schönlein.
Some remarks on stability and robustness of production networks based on fluid models.
2nd International Conference on Dynamics in Logistics, 17.08.-21.08.2009, Bremen, Deutschland.
Erscheint in Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Dynamics in Logistics, Springer unter:
- S. Dashkovskiy, N. A. Duffie.
Stability Analysis of Large Scale Networks of Autonomous Work Systems with Delays.
2nd International Conference on Dynamics in Logistics, 17.08.-21.08.2009, Bremen, Deutschland.
Erscheint in Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Dynamics in Logistics, Springer unter:
- S. Dashkovskiy, M. Kosmykov.
Stability of networks of hybrid ISS Systems.
48th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 16.12.-18.12.2009, Shanghai, China.
Proceedings of the 48th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, S. 3870-3875, unter:
- S. Dashkovskiy, B. Rüffer, F. Wirth.
Application of small gain type theorems in logistics of autonomous processes.
1st International Conference on Dynamics in Logistics, 28.08.-30.08.2007, Bremen, Deutschland.
Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Dynamics in Logistics, S. 359-366, Springer Verlag, unter:
- S. Dashkovskiy, B. Rüffer, F. Wirth.
Applications of the general Lyapunov ISS small-gain theorem for networks.
47th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 12.12.-14.12.2008, Cancún, Mexiko.
Proceedings of the 47th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, S. 25-30, unter:
- S. Dashkovskiy, B. Rüffer, F. Wirth.
Stability of autonomous vehicle formations using an ISS small-gain theorem for networks.
79th Annual Meeting of the International Association of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 31.03-04.04.2008, Bremen, Deutschland.
Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 8(1):10911-10912, unter:
- S. Dashkovskiy, B. Rüffer, F. Wirth.
Stability of interconnections of ISS systems.
SICE 8th Annual Conference on Control Systems, 05.03.-07.03.2008, Kyoto, Japan.
Proceedings of the 8th Annual Conference on Control Systems, S. 52431-52434, 2008. - S. Dashkovskiy, B. Rüffer, F. Wirth.
A Lyapunov small-gain theorem for stronlgy connected networks.
7th IFAC Symposium on Nonlinear Control Systems, 22.08.-24.08.2007, Pretoria, Südafrika.
Proceedings of the 7th IFAC Symposium on Nonlinear Control Systems, S. 283-288, unter:
- S. Dashkovskiy, B. Rüffer, F. Wirth.
Numerical Verification of local input-to-state stability for large networks.
46th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 12.12.-14.12.2007, New Orleans, USA.
Proceedings of the 46th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, S. 4471-4476, unter:
- S. Dashkovskiy, B. Rüffer, F. Wirth.
An ISS Lyapunov Function for Networks of ISS Systems.
17th International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems (MTNS 2006), 24.07.-28.07.2006, Kyoto, Japan.
Proceedings of the 17th International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems, S. 77-82, unter:
- S. Dashkovskiy, F. Wirth, T. Jagalski.
Autonomous control in Shop Floor Logistics: Analytic models.
IFAC Conference on Manufacturing, Modelling, Management and Control, 21.10.-22.10.2004, Athen, Griechenland.
Manufacturing, Modelling, Management and Control 2004, G. Chryssolouris , D. Mourtzis (Hrsg.), Elsevier, unter:
- S. Dashkovskiy, B. Rüffer, F. Wirth.
Discrete time monotone systems: Criteria for global asymptotic stability and applications.
17th International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems (MTNS 2006), 24.07.-28.07.2006, Kyoto, Japan.
Proceedings of the 17th International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems, S. 89-97, unter:
- B. Scholz-Reiter, F. Wirth, M. Freitag, S. Dashkovskiy, T. Jagalski, C. de Beer, B. Rüffer.
Some remarks on the stability of production networks. Stability margins.
Operations Research 2005, 07.09.-09.09.2005, Bremen, Deutschland.
Operations Research Proceedings 2005, S. 91-96, Springer Verlag, unter:
- S. Dashkovskiy, B. Rüffer, F. Wirth.
A Small-Gain type stability criterion for large scale networks of ISS systems.
44th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control and European Control Conference ECC 2005, 12.12.-15.12.2005, Sevilla, Spanien.
Proceedings of the 44th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control and European Control Conference ECC 2005, S. 5633-5638, unter:
- S. Dashkovskiy.
Evolution of diffusional phase transformation with varying temperature.
3rd International Conference on Computational Modeling and Simulation of Materials, 30.05.-04.06.2004, Acireale, Italien.
Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Computational Modeling and Simulation of Materials, S. 265-272, unter:
- S. Dashkovskiy.
Optimal regularity for the solutions of a semi-linear hypoelliptic equations.
International Conference on Functional Analysis, 22.08.-26.08.2001, Kiew, Ukraine.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Functional Analysis, S. 21, 2001. - S. Dashkovskiy.
Smoothness of solutions of some semi-linear equations.
International conference ”Differential and integral equations”, 12.09.-14.09.2000, Odessa, Ukraine.
Proceedings of the International conference ”Differential and integral equations”, S. 325, 2000. - S. Dashkovskiy, L. Naujok.
Input-to-State Stability for Model Predictive Control of single systems and networks with time-delays.
51st IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 10.12.-13.12.2012, Maui, Hawaii, USA.
DOI: Submitted
- S. Dashkovskiy, L. Naujok.
MPC for single and interconnected systems guaranteeing Input-to-State Dynamical Stability (ISDS).
51st IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 10.12.-13.12.2012, Maui, Hawaii, USA.
DOI: Submitted
Buchkapitel (5)
- B. Scholz-Reiter, S. Dashkovskiy, M. Görges, T. Jagalski, L. Naujok.
Autonomous Decision Policies for Networks of Production Systems.
Decision Policies for Production Networks, D. Armbruster, K. G. Kempf (Hrsg.), Springer Verlag, 2012. - S. Dashkovskiy, A. Mironchenko, L. Naujok.
Autonomous and Central Control of Production Networks.
Autonomous Cooperation and Control in Logistics, M. Hülsmann, B. Scholz-Reiter, K. Windt (Hrsg.), S. 27-43, Springer Verlag, 2011.DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-19469-6_4
online unter: - B. Scholz-Reiter, F. Wirth, M. Freitag, S. Dashkovskiy, T. Jagalski, C. de Beer, B. Rüffer.
Mathematical models of autonomous logistic processes.
Understanding Autonomous Cooperation & Control in Logistics: The Impact of Autonomy on Management, Information, Communication and Material Flow , M. Hülsman, K. Windt (Hrsg.), S. 121-138, Springer Verlag, unter:
- S. Dashkovskiy, M. Böhm.
Modeling of the thermal treatment of steel with phase changes.
Advances in Mechanics and Mathematics, R. Ogden, D. Gao (Hrsg.), New Kluwer Series, unter:
- S. Dashkovskiy.
Regularity problems for some semi-linear equations.
Function spaces, Differential operators and nonlinear analysis. The Hans Triebel Anniversary Volume, Birkhäuser, unter:
Qualifikationsarbeiten (2)
- M. Kosmykov.
Hybrid dynamics in large-scale logistics networks.
Dissertationsschrift, Universität Bremen, unter:
- S. Dashkovskiy.
The Q-method and regularity problems of some integral equations and PDE's.
Dissertationsschrift, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, unter:
Preprints (4)
- S. Dashkovskiy, M. Kosmykov.
Input-to-state stability of interconnected hybrid systems.
Zur Veröffentlichung eingereicht. - S. Dashkovskiy, B. Rüffer, F. Wirth.
Construction of ISS Lyapunov functions for networks.
Berichte aus der Technomathematik 06-06, Universität Bremen, 2006. - S. Dashkovskiy, B. Rüffer, F. Wirth.
An ISS Small-Gain Theorem for General Networks.
Berichte aus der Technomathematik 05-05, Universität Bremen, 2005. - S. Dashkovskiy, A. Mironchenko.
Input-to-state stability of infinite-dimensional control systems.
Zur Veröffentlichung unter:
Sonstiges (8)
- L. Naujok.
Model Predictive Control - ISDS, time-delays and networks.
Seminarbericht, Invited talk, FH Erfurt, by Prof. Dr. Sergey Dashkovskiy, November 2011. - L. Naujok.
Stabilität nichtlinearer dynamischer Systeme und deren Charakterisierung durch Lyapunov-Funktionen.
Diplomarbeit. AVM Verlag München, Universität Bremen, Dezember unter:
- A. Mironchenko.
Imperative and object-oriented programming in Turbo-Pascal and Delphi (in Russian).
July 2007. - S. Dashkovskiy, M. Böhm, A. Schmidt, M. Wolff.
Comparison of several kinetic equations for pearlite transformation in100Cr6 steel.
Berichte aus der Technomathematik 03-07, Universität Bremen, 2003. - M. Wolff, M. Böhm, S. Dashkovskiy.
Volumenanteile versus Massenanteile - der Dilatometerversuch aus der Sicht der Kontinuumsmechanik.
Berichte aus der Technomathematik 03-01, Universität Bremen, 2003. - M. Böhm, S. Dashkovskiy, M. Hunkel, T. Lübben, M. Wolff.
Übersicht über einige makroskopische Modelle für Phasenumwandlungen im Stahl.
Berichte aus der Technomathematik 03-09, Universität Bremen, 2003. - M. Wolff, M. Böhm, S. Dashkovskiy, G. Löwisch.
Zur makroskopischen Modellierung von spannungsabhängigem Umwandlungsverhalten und Umwandlungsplastizität bei Stählen und ihrer experimentellen Untersuchung in einfachen Versuchen.
Berichte aus der Technomathematik 03-06, Universität Bremen, 2003. - S. Dashkovskiy, M. Böhm.
A Note on Finite Thermoplasticity with Phase Changes.
Berichte aus der Technomathematik 02-04, Universität Bremen, 2002.