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Center for Industrial Mathematics

ZeTeM > Working Groups > WG Industrial Mathematics > Deep Learning & Digital Pathology

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Team for Deep Learning & Digital Pathology (DigiPath)

The digipath team tackles different challenges in the area of digital pathology, for example the classification of tumor and non-tumor tissue or of different tumor types based on digital microscopy images. To that end, classical machine learning as well as state-of-the-art deep learning methods are used.

Automatic Tumor Detection


DigiPath - Viewer DigiPath - Viewer

DigiPath - Viewer

Additionally, the team is developing a „DigiPath-Viewer“, a web application that can be used to easily annotate digital microscopy images and to view the results of the classification models. The „DigiPath-Viewer“ is intended to visualize our results and also to facilitate the work of patholgists. Some of the main features are:

Participation in challenges

Team leader

Dr. Daniel Otero Baguer 
Raum: MZH 2130
Telefon: (0421) 218-63816
E-Mail: otero@math.uni-bremen.de

The team

Dr. Jens Behrmann 
E-Mail: jensb@uni-bremen.de
Dr. Lena Hauberg-Lotte 
E-Mail: hauberg@math.uni-bremen.de
Dr. Charlotte Janßen 
E-Mail: cjanssen@uni-bremen.de
Jose Carlos Gutierrez Perez 
E-Mail: josecarl@uni-bremen.de
Jean Le Clerc Arrastia 
Raum: MZH 2060
Telefon: (0421) 218-63825
E-Mail: leclerc@math.uni-bremen.de
Nick Heilenkötter 
Raum: MZH 2170
Telefon: 218-63815
E-Mail: nick7@uni-bremen.de


  1. J. Behrmann, C. Etmann, T. Boskamp, R. Casadonte, J. Kriegsmann, P. Maaß.
    Deep Learning for Tumor Classification in Imaging Mass Spectrometry.
    Bioinformatics, 34(7):1215-1223, Oxford University Press, 2018.

    DOI: 10.1093/bioinformatics/btx724

  2. C. Etmann, M. Schmidt, J. Behrmann, T. Boskamp, L. Hauberg-Lotte, A. Peter, R. Casadonte, J. Kriegsmann, P. Maaß.
    Deep Relevance Regularization: Interpretable and Robust Tumor Typing of Imaging Mass Spectrometry Data.
    Zur Veröffentlichung eingereicht.

    online at: https://arxiv.org/abs/1912.05459