3rd International Scientific Conference
"Problems of Transport Logistics Development" (Inter-TRANSLOG’2011)
September 28 - October 3, 2011, Odessa - Nesebar, Ukraine - Bulgaria.
Call for papers on "Robust stability of large-scale interconnected nonlinear systems"
Summer School on Modelling and Control of Manufacturing and Logistics Networks
25 – 29 July 2011, Udine, Italy
1st International Scientific Conference
"Problems of Transport Logistics Development" (ProTRANSLOG2009)
21-26 September, 2009, Odessa - Istanbul - Odessa, Ukraine – Turkey.
2nd International Conference on Dynamics in Logistics
17 – 21 August 2009, Bremen
Introduction to Synchronization Theory and its Applications
1-2 December 2008, Bremen
Mathematical modeling of transport and production logistics
11 Januar 2008, Bremen
Mathematische Modelle in der Transport- und Produktionslogistik
12 Januar 2007, Bremen