In jedem Semester veranstalten wir ein Oberseminar mit Themen aus mathematischer Bildverarbeitung, inversen Problemen, konvexer Optimierung, maschinellem Lernen und weiteren Gebieten.
Zur Zeit ist das Seminar online auf
Zoom jeden Montag von 14:00 bis 16:00.
Sommersemester 2024
Date |
Speaker |
Topic |
22.04.2024 |
Lionel Tondji |
Adaptive Bregman-Kaczmarz |
29.04.2024 |
Sebastian Banert |
Algorithms with learned deviations |
06.05.2024 |
Andreas Hauptmann |
Learned reconstruction methods and convergent regularization: linear plug-and-play denoiser |
13.05.2024 |
Dirk Lorenz |
The inertial Levenberg-Marquardt method for inverse problems |
20.05.2024 |
No seminar talk planned |
27.05.2024 |
Maximilian Winkler |
Intro to the SF-TR CT implementation |
03.06.2024 |
Felix Schneppe |
Adjoint-free norm estimation |
10.06.2024 |
Derick Tanyu |
Delving into Scientific Machine Learning: Solving PDEs and Parameter Identification with TorchPhysics |
17.06.2024 |
Nick Harcken |
Tutorium Talk on Optimal Transport |
24.06.2024 |
Sally Schiewelbein |
Seminar Talk Blind Source Separation |
Vorherige Semester
Wintersemester 2023
Date |
Speaker |
Topic |
23/11/2023 |
Andrea Ebner |
Regularization with non-linear frame filtering |
30/11/2023 |
Nicole Mücke |
How many Neurons do we need? A refined Analysis for Shallow Networks trained with Gradient Descent |
07/12/2023 |
14/12/2023 |
Judith Nickel |
Data-driven regularization theory of invertible ResNets for solving inverse problems |
21/12/2023 |
11/01/2024 |
18/01/2024 |
25/01/2024 |
01/02/2024 |