Location MZH
We are delighted to host a summer school on the topics optimization and dynamical systems. It is organized by the Research Training Group 2224 on Parameter Identification and takes place at the University of Bremen, September 03 - 07, 2018.
It aims at giving a broad overview on the rich fields of optimization, dynamical systems, their intersections (as optimal control), and corresponding real-world applications. We are therefore glad to announce Matthias Gerdts, Roland Herzog, and Sven Leyffer as main lecturers, who will not only introduce these topics, but give an insight into current research areas.
Further speakers will give different perspectives and a deeper insight to more specialized topics.
The program is completed by a poster session and extracurricular activities (like a mathematical city tour through Bremen).
- The closing takes place directly after the last lecture on Friday
- The material can be found in the Downloads section
Further speakers
Organization committee
- Prof. Dr. Christof Büskens (University of Bremen, Germany)
- Dr. Kathrin Flaßkamp (University of Bremen, Germany)
- Prof. Dr. Jens Rademacher (University of Bremen, Germany)
We gratefully acknowledge the support of this summer school by the DFG Research Training Group 2224 on Parameter Identification at the Center for Industrial Mathematics, University of Bremen. We are further glad to be listed as an official summer school of the GAMM Juniors Series of Summer Schools in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics.Thanks to Matthias Knauer for his help in setting up this website.