Welcome to the Summer School on Inverse Problems and Imaging (September 18-22, 2017)
Aims and Scope
This summer school considers the analytical and numerical treatment of
inverse problems in the context of multi-modal and hybrid schemes as well as in imaging.
A particular focus is set on adapted sparsity regularization and suitable numerical algorithms.
The school is particularly interesting for advanced Master students, PhD students and PostDocs working on inverse problems, on imaging, or on related subjects.
Lectures will cover the following topics in the general framework of inverse problems and imaging.
- Multi-modal inverse problems
- Hybrid methods for inverse problems
- Sparsity regularization
- Algorithms for sparsity regularization
We are particularly grateful for continuous funding of a series of scientific events by the
Franco-German University DFH/UFA as well as to University of Bremen and its
DFG Research Training Center 2224 on parameter identification at the Center for Industrial Mathematics of the University of Bremen for local support.