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Publikationen von Prof. Dr. Michael Böhm

Buchkapitel (6)

  1. M. Wolff, M. Böhm.
    A Note on Plasticity with Additional Internal Variables.
    Advanced Methods of Continuum Mechanics for Materials and Structures, K. Naumenko, M. Aßmus (Hrsg.), S. 205-222, Springer Verlag, 2016.
  2. A. Muntean, E. N. M. Cirillo, O. Krehel, M. Böhm.
    Pedestrians moving in the dark: balancing measures and playing games on lattices.
    Collective dynamics from bacteria to crowds: an excursion through modeling, analysis and simulation, A. Muntean, F. Toschi (Hrsg.), S. 75-103, Springer Verlag, 2014.
  3. A. Muntean, M. Böhm, A. Schmidt.
    On the motion of internal carbonation layers.
    Simulation of Time Dependent Degradation of Porous Materials (Final report on Priority Program 1122 DFG), L. Franke, G. Deckelmann, R. Espinosa-Marzal (Hrsg.), S. 53-67, Cuvillier Verlag, 2009.
  4. A. Muntean, M. Böhm.
    Dynamics of a Moving Reaction Interface in a Concrete Wall .
    Free Boundary Problems - Theory and Applications, International Series of Numerical Mathematics, Volume 154 , S. 317-326 , Springer Verlag, 2007.

    DOI: 10.1007/978-3-7643-7719-9

  5. M. Wolff, M. Böhm, A. Schmidt.
    A thermodynamically consistent model of the material behaviour of steel including phase transformations, classical and transformation-induced plasticity.
    Trends in Applications of Mathematics to Mechanics, Y. Wang, K. Hutter (Hrsg.), Shaker Verlag, 2005.
  6. S. Dashkovskiy, M. Böhm.
    Modeling of the thermal treatment of steel with phase changes.
    Advances in Mechanics and Mathematics, R. Ogden, D. Gao (Hrsg.), New Kluwer Series, 2003.

    online unter: http://www.math.uni-bremen.de/~dsn/Publications/KL_PHASES.pdf

Zeitschriftenartikel (71)

  1. M. Wolff, M. Böhm, H. Altenbach.
    Application of the Müller-Liu entropy principle to gradient-damage models in the thermo-elastic case.
    International Journal of Damage Mechanics, 27(3):387-408, 2018.

    DOI: 10.1177/1056789516679495

  2. M. Wolff, M. Böhm.
    Continuous bodies with thermodynamically active singular sharp interfaces .
    Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids, 22:434-476, 2017.
  3. H. van Asperen, T. Warneke, S. Sabbatini, M. Höpker, T. Chiti, G. Nicolini, D. Papale, M. Böhm, J. Notholt.
    Diurnal variation in respiratory CO2 flux in an arid ecosystem.
    Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 234:95-105, Elsevier, 2017.
  4. H. S. Mahato, M. Böhm, S. Kräutle, P. Knabner.
    Upscaling of a system of semilinear parabolic partial differential equations coupled with a system of nonlinear ordinary differential equations originating in the context of crystal dissolution and precipitation inside a porous medium: existence theory ..
    Advances in Mathematical Sciences and Applications, 26:39-80, 2017.
  5. N. H. Kröger, M. Wolff, M. Böhm.
    On mathematical problems for viscoelastic multi-mechanism models in the isothermal case.
    ZAMM - Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics / Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik, 96(5):550-569, 2016.

    DOI: 10.1002/zamm.201400171

  6. M. Wolff, S. Bökenheide, M. Böhm.
    Some new extensions to multi-mechanism models for plastic and viscoplastic material behavior under small strains.
    Continuum Mechanics and Thermodynamics, 28:821-852, 2016.

    DOI: 10.1007/s00161-015-0418-5
    online unter: http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00161-015-0418-5

  7. M. Böhm, M. Höpker.
    A note on modelling with measures: Two-Features Balance Equations.
    Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 12(2):279-290, 2015.

    DOI: 10.3934/mbe.2015.12.279

  8. H. S. Mahato, M. Böhm.
    An existence result for a system of coupled semilinear diffusion-reaction equations with flux boundary conditions.
    European Journal of Applied Mathematics, 26:121-143, 2015.
  9. S. Boettcher, M. Böhm, M. Wolff.
    Well-posedness of a thermo-elasto-plastic problem with phase transitions in TRIP steels under mixed boundary conditions.
    ZAMM - Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics / Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik, 95:1461-1476, 2015.

    DOI: 10.1002/zamm.201300287

  10. M. Höpker, M. Böhm.
    A note on the existence of extension operators for Sobolev spaces on periodic domains.
    Comptes Rendus Mathematique, 352(10):807-810, Elsevier, 2014.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.crma.2014.09.002

  11. M. Eden, M. Böhm.
    Homogenization of a poro-elasticity model coupled with diffusive transport and a first order reaction for concrete.
    Networks and Heterogeneous Media, 9(4):599-615, 2014.

    DOI: 10.3934/nhm.2014.9.599

  12. P. Schneider, R. Kienzler, M. Böhm.
    Modeling of consistent second-order plate theories for anisotropic materials.
    ZAMM - Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics / Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik, 94:21-42, 2014.

    DOI: 10.1002/zamm.201100033

  13. S. Dobberschütz, M. Böhm.
    The construction of periodic unfolding operators on some compact Riemannian manifolds.
    Advances in Pure and Applied Mathematics, 5(1):31-45, 2014.

    DOI: 10.1515/apam-2013-0013

  14. H. S. Mahato, M. Böhm.
    Global existence and uniqueness for a system of semilinear multi-species diffusion-reaction equations.
    The Journal of Applied Analysis and Computation, 3(4):357-376, 2013.

    online unter: http://jaac-online.com/index.php/jaac/article/view/173

  15. H. S. Mahato, M. Böhm.
    Homogenization of a system of semilinear diffusion-reaction equations in an H^{1,p} setting.
    Electronic Journal of Diff erential Equations, 210:1-22, 2013.

    online unter: http://ejde.math.txstate.edu/Volumes/2013/210/mahato.pdf

  16. S. Dobberschütz, M. Böhm.
    A Periodic Unfolding operator on certain compact Riemannian manifolds.
    Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences. Série I. Mathématique, 350, 1027– 1030, Elsevier, 2012.
  17. M. Wolff, M. Böhm, S. Bökenheide, D. Lammers, T. Linke.
    An implicit algorithm to verify creep and TRIP behavior of steel using uniaxial experiments.
    ZAMM - Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics / Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik, 92(5):355-379, Wiley, 2012.

    DOI: 10.1002/zamm.201100083

  18. R. Mahnken , M. Wolff, A. Schneidt, M. Böhm.
    Multi-Phase Transformations at Large Strains – Thermodynamic Framework and Simulation.
    International Journal of Plasticity, 39:1-26, Elsevier, 2012.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.ijplas.2012.05.009

  19. M. Wolff, M. Böhm, S. Bökenheide, M. Dalgic.
    Some Recent Developments in Modelling of Heat-Treatment Phenomena in Steel within the Collaborative Research Centre SFB 570 "Distortion Engineering".
    Materialwissenschaft und Werkstofftechnik, 43(1):136-142, WILEY-VCH, 2012.

    DOI: 10.1002/mawe.201100901

  20. M. Wolff, M. Böhm, S. Bökenheide, N. H. Kröger.
    Two-Mechanism Approach in Thermo-Viscoelasticity with Internal Variables.
    Technische Mechanik, 32(2):608-621, 2012.

    online unter: http://www.uni-magdeburg.de/ifme/zeitschrift_tm/2012_Heft2_5/45_Wolff.html

  21. N. H. Kröger, M. Böhm, M. Wolff.
    Viscoelasticity within the framework of isothermal two-mechanism models.
    Computational Materials Science, 64:30-33, Elsevier, 2012.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.commatsci.2012.04.017
    online unter: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.commatsci.2012.04.017

  22. M. Wolff, M. Böhm, R. Mahnken , B. Suhr.
    Implementation of an algorithm for general material behavior of steel taking interaction of plasticity and transformation-induced plasticity into account.
    International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 87:1183-1206, WILEY-VCH, 2011.

    DOI: 10.1002/nme.3154

  23. A. Muntean, M. Böhm, J. Kropp.
    Moving carbonation fronts in concrete: a moving-sharp-interface approach.
    Chemical Engineering Science, 66:538-547, 2011.
  24. M. Wolff, M. Böhm, L. Taleb.
    Thermodynamic Consistency of Two-mechanism Models in the Non-isothermal Case.
    Technische Mechanik, 31(1):58-80, 2011.

    online unter: http://www.uni-magdeburg.de/ifme/zeitschrift_tm/2011_Heft1/07_Wolff.html

  25. J. Prakash, G. P. Raja Sekhar, S. De, M. Böhm.
    A criterion to avoid starvation zones for convection-diffusion-reaction problem inside a porous biological pellet under oscillatory flow.
    International Journal of Engineering Science, 48:693-707, Elsevier, 2010.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.ijengsci.2010.02.004

  26. S. Dobberschütz, M. Böhm.
    A transformation approach for the derivation of boundary conditions between a curved porous medium and a free fluid.
    Comptes Rendus Mecanique, 338:71-77, Elsevier, 2010.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.crme.2010.02.001

  27. J. Prakash, G. P. Raja Sekhar, S. De, M. Böhm.
    Convection, diffusion and reaction inside a spherical porous pellet in the presence of oscillatory flow.
    European Journal of Mechanics - B/Fluids, 29(6):483-493, Elsevier, 2010.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.euromechflu.2010.05.002

  28. A. Muntean, M. Böhm.
    A moving-boundary problem for concrete carbonation: Global existence and uniqueness of weak solutions.
    Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 350(1):234-251, 2009.
  29. M. Wolff, M. Böhm, B. Suhr.
    Comparison of different approaches to transformation-induced plasticity in steel.
    Materialwissenschaft und Werkstofftechnik, 40(5):454-459, WILEY-VCH, 2009.

    DOI: 10.1002/mawe.200900476

  30. A. Muntean, M. Böhm.
    Interface conditions for fast-reaction fronts in wet porous mineral materials: The case of concrete carbonation.
    Journal of Engineering Mathematics, 65(1):89-100, Springer Verlag, 2009.

    DOI: 10.1007/s10665-009-9295-x

  31. M. Peter, M. Böhm.
    Multi-scale modelling of chemical degradation mechanisms in porous media with evolving microstructure.
    Multiscale Modeling & Simulation, 7(4):1643-1668, SIAM, 2009.

    DOI: 10.1137/070706410

  32. M. Peter, A. Muntean, S. Meier, M. Böhm.
    Competition of several carbonation reactions in concrete: A parametric study.
    Cement and Concrete Research, 38(12):1385-1393, 2008.
  33. M. Peter, M. Böhm.
    Different choices of scaling in homogenization of diffusion and interfacial exchange in a porous medium.
    Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, 31(11):1257-1282, 2008.
  34. M. Wolff, M. Böhm, F. Frerichs.
    Dimensional analysis of a model problem in thermoelasto-plasticity for cylindrical bodies under heating and cooling.
    ZAMM - Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics / Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik, 88(10):758-775, 2008.
  35. M. Wolff, M. Böhm, M. Dalgic, I. Hüßler.
    Evaluation of models for TRIP and stress-dependent transformation behaviour for the martensitic transformation of the steel 100Cr6.
    Computational Materials Science, 43:108-114, 2008.
  36. M. Wolff, M. Böhm, D. Helm.
    Material behavior of steel – Modeling of complex phenomena and thermodynamic consistency.
    International Journal of Plasticity, 24:746-774, 2008.
  37. M. Böhm, S. Meier, M. Peter.
    Was zerstört Stahlbeton-Brücken? - Wie Mathematiker mit Mehrskalenmethoden zur Materialforschung beitragen.
    Praxis der Mathematik in der Schule, 20:39-43, 2008.
  38. S. Meier, M. Böhm.
    A note on the construction of function spaces for distributed-microstructure models with spatially varying cell geometry.
    International Journal of Numerical Analysis and Modeling, 5:109-125, 2007.
  39. S. Meier, M. Peter, M. Böhm.
    A two-scale modelling approach to reaction–diffusion processes in porous materials.
    Computational Materials Science, 39:49-54, 2007.
  40. S. Meier, M. Peter, A. Muntean, M. Böhm.
    Dynamics of the internal reaction layer arising during carbonation of concrete.
    Chemical Engineering Science, 62(4):1125-1137, 2007.
  41. M. Wolff, C. Acht, M. Böhm, S. Meier.
    Modelling of carbon diffusion and ferritic phase transformations in an unalloyed hypoeutectoid steel.
    Archives of Mechanics, 59(4):435-466, 2007.
  42. M. Wolff, M. Böhm, M. Dalgic, G. Löwisch, J. Rath.
    Validation of a TRIP model with backstress for the pearlitic transformation of the steel 100Cr6 under step-wise loads .
    Computational Materials Science, 39:29-34, 2007.
  43. A. Muntean, M. Böhm.
    A moving two-reaction zones model: Global existence of solutions.
    PAMM, 6(1):649-650, 2006.
  44. S. Meier, M. Böhm.
    A two-scale reaction–diffusion system with time-dependent microstructure.
    PAMM, 6(1):647-648, 2006.
  45. M. Wolff, M. Böhm, M. Dalgic, G. Löwisch, N. Lysenko, J. Rath.
    Parameter identification for a TRIP model with backstress.
    Computational Materials Science, 37:37-41, 2006.
  46. M. Wolff, M. Böhm.
    Transformation-induced plasticity: Modelling and analysis in 3-d case with more than two phases .
    PAMM, 6(1):415-416, 2006.
  47. A. Schmidt, B. Suhr, T. Moshagen, M. Wolff, M. Böhm.
    Adaptive Finite Element Simulations for Macroscopic and Mesoscopic Models.
    Materialwissenschaft und Werkstofftechnik, 37(1):142-146, 2005.
  48. M. Wolff, M. Böhm, G. Löwisch, A. Schmidt.
    Modelling and testing of transformation-induced plasticity and stress-dependent phase transformations in steel via simple experiments.
    Computational Materials Science, 32:604-610, 2005.
  49. M. Wolff, M. Böhm, A. Schmidt.
    Modelling of steel phenomena and its interactions – an internal-variable approach.
    Materialwissenschaft und Werkstofftechnik, 37(1):147-151, 2005.
  50. M. Wolff, M. Böhm.
    On the singularity of the Leblond model for TRIP and its influence on numerical calculations.
    Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 14:119-122, 2005.
  51. M. Wolff, M. Böhm, M. Dalgic, G. Löwisch, J. Rath.
    TRIP and phase evolution for the pearlitic transformation of the steel 100Cr6 under step-wise loads.
    Materialwissenschaft und Werkstofftechnik, 37(1):128-133, 2005.
  52. M. Böhm, M. Hunkel, A. Schmidt, M. Wolff.
    Evaluation of various phase-transition models for 100Cr6 for application in commercial FEM-programmes.
    Journal de Physique, 4(120):581-589, 2004.
  53. S. Dashkovskiy, M. Böhm.
    Finite thermoplasticity with phase changes based on isomorphisms.
    International Journal of Plasticity, 20:323-334, 2004.

    online unter: http://www.math.uni-bremen.de/~dsn/Publications/IJP.pdf

  54. S. Dashkovskiy, M. Böhm.
    Modeling of elastoplastic materials with phase changes.
    Journal de Physique, 4(120):153-160, 2004.
  55. S. Dashkovskiy, M. Böhm.
    Objective modeling of some elastoplastic materials with phase changes.
    Journal de Physique, 4(120):153-160, 2004.

    online unter: http://www.math.uni-bremen.de/~dsn/Publications/Nancy.ps

  56. M. Wolff, M. Böhm, A. Schmidt.
    Phase transitions and transformation-induced plasticity of steel in the framework of continuum mechanics.
    Journal de Physique, 4(120):145-152, 2004.
  57. M. Wolff, A. Schmidt, M. Böhm.
    Thermo-mechanical behaviour of steel including phase transitions and transformation-induced plasticity.
    PAMM, 2(1):206-207, 2003.
  58. M. Wolff, M. Böhm.
    Umwandlungsplastizität bei Stählen im Konzept der Thermoelasto-Plastizität modelliert mit dem Ansatz einer Zwischenkonfiguration.
    Technische Mechanik, 23(1):29-48, 2003.
  59. M. Böhm, J. Devinny, F. Jahani, I. G. Rosen.
    On a moving-boundary system modeling corrosion in sewer pipes.
    Applied Mathematics and Computation, 92:247-269, Elsevier, 1998.
  60. M. Böhm.
    Compressible flow in fractured porous media with an unbounded density-pressure law.
    Applicable Analysis - An International Journal, 62(1):71-88, 1996.
  61. M. Böhm.
    Global well posedness of the dynamic von Karman equations for generalized solutions.
    Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods & Applications, 27(3):339-351, Elsevier, 1996.

    DOI: 10.1016/0362-546X(95)00140-Q

  62. M. Böhm.
    Global interpolation estimates for nonlinear operators based on a global and a local estimate in the corner spaces.
    Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences. Série I. Mathématique, 318(9):821-826, 1994.
  63. M. Böhm.
    On complex interpolation of nonlinear operator. II.
    Bollettino della Unione Matemàtica Italiana. Serie VII. B., 7(1):127-148, 1993.
  64. M. Böhm.
    On Navier-Stokes and Kelvin-Voigt equations in three dimensions in interpolation spaces.
    Mathematische Nachrichten, 155:151-165, 1992.
  65. M. Böhm.
    Remarks on interpolation of $2\sp N$ Banach spaces.
    Bollettino della Unione Matemàtica Italiana. Serie VII. B., 6(3):487-505, 1992.
  66. M. Böhm.
    On the Galerkin-method in intermediate spaces for the initial-boundary value problem for the Navier-Stokes equations in two dimensions.
    Mathematische Nachrichten, 153:169-178, 1991.
  67. M. Böhm.
    Remarks on complex interpolation of some nonlinear operators. I.
    Mathematische Nachrichten, 153:191-206, 1991.
  68. M. Böhm.
    Well-posedness of the fissured.media equation.
    Mathematische Nachrichten, 140:49-58, 1989.
  69. M. Böhm, R. E. Showalter.
    A nonlinear pseudoparabolic diffusion equation.
    SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis, 16:980-999, SIAM, 1985.
  70. M. Böhm, R. E. Showalter.
    Diffusion in fissured media.
    SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis, 16:500-509, SIAM, 1985.
  71. M. Böhm.
    On a nonhomogeneous Bingham fluid.
    Journal of Differential Equations, 60(2):259-284, Elsevier, 1985.

    DOI: 10.1016/0022-0396(85)90116-0

Preprints (10)

  1. M. Wolff, M. Böhm.
    On parameter identification for general linear elliptic problems of second order.
    Berichte aus der Technomathematik 18-01, Universität Bremen, 2018.
  2. M. Höpker, M. Böhm.
    Existence of Boundary-Value-Respecting Extension Operators for Sobolev Spaces on Periodic Domains.
    Zur Veröffentlichung eingereicht.
  3. S. Boettcher, M. Böhm, M. Wolff.
    Review of some results of well-posedness for models of thermo-elasto-plasticity with phase transitions in steel.
    Berichte aus der Technomathematik 16-02, Universität Bremen, 2016.
  4. M. Höpker, M. Böhm.
    Derivation of an effective model for a phase-field description of solid-liquid transformations in porous media.
    Berichte aus der Technomathematik 14-02, Universität Bremen, 2014.
  5. S. Boettcher, M. Wolff, M. Böhm.
    A comprehensive model of thermo-elasto-plasticity with phase transitions in steel.
    Berichte aus der Technomathematik 13-01, Universität Bremen, 2013.
  6. M. Böhm.
    A Note on Global Weak Solutions for Semilinear Parabolic Systems Modelling Equilibrium Reactions (Part 1).
    Berichte aus der Technomathematik 13-05, Universität Bremen, 2013.
  7. M. Wolff, S. Bökenheide, J. Schlasche, D. Büsing, M. Böhm, H. Zoch.
    An extended approach to multi-mechanism models in plasticity-theory and parameter identification.
    Berichte aus der Technomathematik 13-06, Universität Bremen, 2013.
  8. E. N. M. Cirillo, O. Krehel, M. Böhm, A. Muntean.
    Pedestrians moving in the dark: Balancing measures and playing games on lattices.
    Berichte aus der Technomathematik 13-04, Universität Bremen, 2013.
  9. M. Wolff, M. Böhm.
    Zu einem neuen Ansatz zur Parameterbestimmung in der Mechanik der Festkörper.
    Berichte aus der Technomathematik 13-03, Universität Bremen, 2013.
  10. N. H. Kröger, M. Böhm, M. Wolff.
    Viskoelastisches Zwei-Mechanismen-Modell für einen eindimensionalen Stab.
    Berichte aus der Technomathematik 12-02, Universität Bremen, 2012.

Qualifikationsarbeiten (1)

  1. M. Böhm.
    Zu einigen nichtlinearen Evolutionsgleichungen im Hilbertraum.
    Dissertationsschrift, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, 1980.

Tagungsbeiträge (21)

  1. M. Wolff, M. Böhm.
    Some remarks on moving sharp interfaces.
    IUTAM Symposium on Growing Solids, 23.06-27.06.2015, Moskau, Russische Föderation.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.piutam.2017.06.005

  2. S. Boettcher, M. Böhm, M. Wolff.
    A comprehensive model of thermo-elasto-plasticity with phase transitions in steel.
    8th German-Greek-Polish Symposium on Recent Advances in Mechanics, 09.09-13.09.2013, Goslar, Deutschland.
    Book of Abstracts, R. Kienzler, S. Boettcher (Hrsg.), 2013.
  3. M. Wolff, M. Böhm, S. Bökenheide, M. Dalgic.
    Some Recent Developments in Modelling of Heat-Treatment Phenomena in Steel within the Collaborative Research Centre SFB 570 "Distortion Engineering".
    3rd International Conference on Distortion Engineering, 14.09.-16.09.2011, Bremen, Deutschland.
    Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Distortion Engineering, T. Lübben, H. Zoch (Hrsg.), S. 389-398, 2011.
  4. M. Wolff, M. Böhm, B. Suhr.
    Two-mechanism Models - some aspects of modelling.
    Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 10(1):345-346, 2010.

    DOI: 10.1002/pamm.201010165

  5. M. Wolff, M. Böhm.
    Two-mechanism models and modelling of creep.
    3rd International Conference on Nonlinear Dynamics, 21.09.-24.09.2010, Kharkov, Ukraine.
    Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Nonlinear Dynamics, J. V. Mikhlin, M. V. Perepelkin (Hrsg.), 2010.
  6. M. Wolff, M. Böhm, B. Suhr.
    Dimensional analysis of a model problem for cylindrical steel work-pieces in the case of phase transformations.
    New challenges in heat treatment and surface engineering, 09.06.-12.06.2009, Dubrovnik, Kroatien.
    Proc. New challenges in heat treatment and surface engineering, B. Smoljan, B. Matijevic (Hrsg.), S. 247-252, 2009.
  7. A. Muntean, M. Böhm, S. Meier.
    A moving-boundary model with Stefan-Signorini conditions to predict service life of concrete structures.
    International RILEM Workshop on Integral Service Life Modelling of Concrete Structures, 05.11.-06.11.2007, Guimarães, Portugal.
    RILEM Proceedings PRO 56: International RILEM Workshop on Integral Service Life Modelling of Concrete Structures, R. M. Ferreira, J. Gulikers, C. Andrade (Hrsg.), S. 55-62, 2008.
  8. S. Meier, M. Peter, A. Muntean, M. Böhm, J. Kropp.
    A two-scale approach to concrete carbonation.
    International RILEM Workshop on Integral Service Life Modelling of Concrete Structures, 05.11.-06.11.2007, Guimarães, Portugal.
    RILEM Proceedings PRO 56: International RILEM Workshop on Integral Service Life Modelling of Concrete Structures, R. M. Ferreira, J. Gulikers, C. Andrade (Hrsg.), S. 3-10, 2008.
  9. M. Wolff, M. Böhm, B. Suhr.
    Comparison of different approaches to transformation-induced plasticity in steel.
    2nd International Conference on Distortion Engineering, 17.09.-19.09.2008, Bremen, Deutschland.
    Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Distortion Engineering, T. Lübben, H. Zoch (Hrsg.), S. 401-409, 2008.
  10. M. Böhm, A. Muntean, A. Schmidt.
    On the motion of internal carbonation layers.
    Abschlusskolloquium des DFG Schwerpunktprogramms 1122, 21.02.-22.02.2008, Hamburg, Deutschland.
    Erscheint in Prediction of time dependent damage due to physical-technical processes in mineral building materials, Proceedings of Abschlusskolloquium DFG SPP 1122.
  11. A. Schmidt, A. Muntean, M. Böhm.
    Moving carbonation fronts around corners: a self-adaptive finite element approach.
    5th International Essen Workshop, TRANSCON '07, 11.06.-13.06.2007, Essen, Deutschland.
    Proceedings of the 5th International Essen Workshop, TRANSCON '07, M. Setzer (Hrsg.), S. 467-476, Aedificatio Publishers, 2007.
  12. A. Muntean, M. Böhm, A. Schmidt.
    Secondary reaction effects on the motion of carbonation fronts in concrete: a moving-boundary strategy.
    5th International Essen Workshop, TRANSCON '07, 11.06.-13.06.2007, Essen, Deutschland.
    Proceedings of the 5th International Essen Workshop, TRANSCON '07, M. Setzer (Hrsg.), S. 399-411, Aedificatio Publishers, 2007.
  13. A. Muntean, M. Böhm.
    Lower bounds on the weak solution of a moving-boundary problem describing the carbonation penetration in concrete.
    4th Workshop on Mathematical Modelling of Environmental and Life Sciences Problems, 09.2005, Constanta, Rumänien.
    Proc. 4th Workshop on Mathematical Modelling of Environmental and Life Sciences Problems , S. Ion, G. Marinoschi, C. Popa (Hrsg.), S. 175-184, Editura Academiei Romane, 2006.
  14. M. Peter, M. Böhm.
    Scalings in homogenisation of reaction, diffusion and interfacial exchange in a two-phase medium.
    Equadiff 11, 25.-29.06.2005, Bratislava, Slowakei.
    Proc. Equadiff-11, M. Fila, A. Handlovicova, K. Mikula, M. Medved, P. Quittner, D. Sevcovic (Hrsg.), S. 369-376, 2005.
  15. A. Schmidt, B. Suhr, T. Moshagen, M. Wolff, M. Böhm.
    Adaptive finite element simulations for macroscopic and mesoscopic models.
    1st International Conference on Distortion Engineering, 14.09.-16.09.2005, Bremen, Deutschland.
    Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Distortion Engineering, T. Lübben, H. Zoch (Hrsg.), 2005.
  16. M. Wolff, M. Böhm, A. Schmidt.
    Modelling of steel phenomena and its interactions - an internal-variable approach.
    1st International Conference on Distortion Engineering, 14.09.-16.09.2005, Bremen, Deutschland.
    Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Distortion Engineering, T. Lübben, H. Zoch (Hrsg.), 2005.
  17. S. Meier, M. Böhm.
    On a micro-macro system arising in diffusion–reaction problems in porous media.
    Equadiff 11, 25.-29.06.2005, Bratislava, Slowakei.
    Proc. Equadiff-11, M. Fila, A. Handlovicova, K. Mikula, M. Medved, P. Quittner, D. Sevcovic (Hrsg.), S. 259-263, 2005.
  18. M. Wolff, M. Böhm, M. Dalgic, G. Löwisch, J. Rath.
    TRIP and phase evolution for the pearlitic transformation of the steel 100Cr6 under step-wise loads.
    1st International Conference on Distortion Engineering, 14.09.-16.09.2005, Bremen, Deutschland.
    Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Distortion Engineering, T. Lübben, H. Zoch (Hrsg.), 2005.
  19. A. Muntean, M. Böhm.
    On a moving reaction layer model for the prediction of the service life of concrete structures.
    Performance based Engineering for 21st Century, 25.-27.08.2004, Iasi, Rumänien.
    Proceedings of the International Conference Performance based Engineering for 21st Century, 2004.
  20. A. Muntean, M. Böhm.
    On a prediction model for the service life of concrete structures based on moving boundaries .
    2nd International Conference Lifetime Oriented Design Concepts (ICLODC 2004), 01.03.-03.03.2004, Bochum, Deutschland.
    Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference Lifetime Oriented Design Concepts (ICLODC 2004) , F. Stangenberg, O. T. Bruhns, D. Hartmann, G. Meschke (Hrsg.), 2004.
  21. M. Böhm.
    A note on iteration for pseudoparabolic equations of fissured media type.
    Symposium in Pure Mathematics, 1983, Berkeley, Kalifornien, Vereinigte Staaten.
    Proceedings of Symposium in Pure Mathematics, 45(1):147-155, 1986.

Sonstiges (32)

  1. M. Böhm, S. Boettcher.
    Mathematik für Ingenieure.
    Resonanz. Magazin für Lehre und Studium an der Universität Bremen, 2015.

    online unter: http://blogs.uni-bremen.de/resonanz/2015/04/20/mathematik-fuer-ingenieure/

  2. M. Wolff, M. Böhm, L. Taleb.
    Two-mechanism models with plastic mechanisms - modelling in continuum-mechanical framework.
    Berichte aus der Technomathematik 10-05, Universität Bremen, 2010.
  3. A. Muntean, M. Böhm.
    A moving-boundary problem for concrete carbonation: global existence and uniqueness of weak solutions.
    CASA Report No. 07-25, Depart. Mathematics and Computer Science, Technische Universität Eindhoven, Niederlande, 2007.
  4. M. Wolff, S. Boettcher, M. Böhm.
    Phase transformations in steel in the multi-phase case - general modelling and parameter identification.
    Berichte aus der Technomathematik 07-02, Universität Bremen, 2007.
  5. M. Wolff, S. Boettcher, M. Böhm, I. Loresch.
    Vergleichende Bewertung von makroskopischen Modellen für die austenitisch-perlitische Phasenumwandlung im Stahl 100Cr6.
    Berichte aus der Technomathematik 07-03, Universität Bremen, 2007.
  6. A. Muntean, M. Böhm.
    A sharp-interface moving-boundary system modeling carbonation penetration in concrete.
    Berichte aus der Technomathematik 06-03, Universität Bremen, 2006.
  7. A. Muntean, M. Böhm.
    Length scales in the concrete carbonation process and water barrier effect: a matched asymptotics approach.
    Berichte aus der Technomathematik 06-07, Universität Bremen, 2006.
  8. M. Wolff, M. Böhm, S. Meier.
    Modellierung der Wechselwirkung von Kohlenstoff-Diffusion und ferritischen Phasenumwandlungen für einen untereutektoiden unlegierten Stahl.
    Berichte aus der Technomathematik 06-04, Universität Bremen, 2006.
  9. M. Wolff, M. Böhm.
    Transformation-induced plasticity in steel - general modelling, analysis and parameter identification.
    Berichte aus der Technomathematik 06-02, Universität Bremen, 2006.
  10. A. Muntean, S. Meier, M. Peter, M. Böhm, J. Kropp.
    A note on limitations of the use of accelerated concrete-carbonation tests for service-life predictions.
    Berichte aus der Technomathematik 05-04, Universität Bremen, 2005.
  11. S. Meier, M. Peter, A. Muntean, M. Böhm.
    Modelling and simulation of concrete carbonation with internal layers.
    Berichte aus der Technomathematik 05-02, Universität Bremen, 2005.
  12. M. Peter, A. Muntean, S. Meier, M. Böhm.
    Modelling and simulation of concrete carbonation: competition of several carbonation reactions.
    Berichte aus der Technomathematik 05-03, Universität Bremen, 2005.
  13. A. Schmidt, A. Muntean, M. Böhm.
    Numerical Experiments with Self-Adaptive Finite Element Simulations in 2D for the Carbonation of Concrete.
    Berichte aus der Technomathematik 05-01, Universität Bremen, 2005.
  14. M. Böhm, J. Kropp, A. Muntean.
    A Two-Reaction-Zones Moving-Interface Model for Predicting Ca(OH)_2-Carbonation in Concrete.
    Berichte aus der Technomathematik 03-04, Universität Bremen, 2003.
  15. S. Dashkovskiy, M. Böhm, A. Schmidt, M. Wolff.
    Comparison of several kinetic equations for pearlite transformation in100Cr6 steel.
    Berichte aus der Technomathematik 03-07, Universität Bremen, 2003.
  16. A. Schmidt, M. Wolff, M. Böhm.
    Numerische Untersuchungen für ein Modell des Materialverhaltens mit Umwandlungsplastizität und Phasenumwandlungen beim Stahl 100Cr6 (Teil 1).
    Berichte aus der Technomathematik 03-13, Universität Bremen, 2003.
  17. M. Böhm, J. Kropp, A. Muntean.
    On a Prediction Model for Concrete Carbonation based on Moving Interfaces - Interface concentrated Reactions.
    Berichte aus der Technomathematik 03-03, Universität Bremen, 2003.
  18. M. Wolff, M. Böhm, S. Dashkovskiy.
    Volumenanteile versus Massenanteile - der Dilatometerversuch aus der Sicht der Kontinuumsmechanik.
    Berichte aus der Technomathematik 03-01, Universität Bremen, 2003.
  19. M. Böhm, S. Dashkovskiy, M. Hunkel, T. Lübben, M. Wolff.
    Übersicht über einige makroskopische Modelle für Phasenumwandlungen im Stahl.
    Berichte aus der Technomathematik 03-09, Universität Bremen, 2003.
  20. M. Wolff, M. Böhm, S. Dashkovskiy, G. Löwisch.
    Zur makroskopischen Modellierung von spannungsabhängigem Umwandlungsverhalten und Umwandlungsplastizität bei Stählen und ihrer experimentellen Untersuchung in einfachen Versuchen.
    Berichte aus der Technomathematik 03-06, Universität Bremen, 2003.
  21. S. Dashkovskiy, M. Böhm.
    A Note on Finite Thermoplasticity with Phase Changes.
    Berichte aus der Technomathematik 02-04, Universität Bremen, 2002.
  22. M. Böhm, M. Hunkel, A. Schmidt, M. Wolff.
    Evaluation of various phase-transition models for 100Cr6 for application in commercial FEM programs.
    Berichte aus der Technomathematik 02-14, Universität Bremen, 2002.
  23. M. Wolff, M. Böhm.
    Phasenumwandlungen und Umwandlungsplastizität bei Stählen im Konzept der Thermoelasto-Plastizität.
    Berichte aus der Technomathematik 02-05, Universität Bremen, 2002.
  24. M. Wolff, M. Böhm.
    Zur Modellierung der Thermoelasto-Plastizität mit Phasenumwandlungen bei Stählen sowie der Umwandlungsplastizität.
    Berichte aus der Technomathematik 02-01, Universität Bremen, 2002.
  25. M. Wolff, E. Bänsch, M. Böhm, D. Davis.
    Modellierung der Abkühlung von Stahlbrammen.
    Berichte aus der Technomathematik 00-07, Universität Bremen, 2000.
  26. M. Böhm, I. G. Rosen.
    Global Weak Solutions and Uniqueness for a Moving Boundary Problem for a Coupled System of Quasilinear Diffusion-Reaction Equations arising as a Model of Chemical Corrosion of Concrete Surfaces.
    Preprint, 1997.
  27. M. Böhm, I. G. Rosen.
    Global Weak Solutions and Well-Posedness of Weak Solutions far a Moving Boundary Problem for a Coupled System of Diffusion-Reaction Equations arising in the Corrosion-Modeling of Concrete.
    Preprint, 1997.
  28. M. Böhm, M. A. Demetrion, S. Reich, I. G. Rosen.
    Model Reference Adaptive Control of Distributed Parameter Systems.
  29. M. Böhm.
    A noncoercive diffusion problem with mass transport.
    Seminarbericht, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, 1981.
  30. M. Böhm.
    On a nonlinear evolution equation.
    Seminarbericht, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, 1981.
  31. M. Böhm.
    Existence of solutions to equations describing the temperature-dependent motion of a non-homogeneous flow.
    Seminarbericht, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, 1979.
  32. M. Böhm.
    Weak solutions to equationsarising in the theory of viscous, incompressible and heat-conducting two-phase flow.
    Seminarbericht, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, 1979.