Ivan Mykhailiuk
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter der AG Optimierung und Optimale Steuerung, Research Training Group π3Raum: NEOS 3250
E-Mail: ivamyk@uni-bremen.de
Telefon: (0421) 218-59897
ORCID iD: 0000-0003-1610-2899
E-Mail: ivamyk@uni-bremen.de
Telefon: (0421) 218-59897
ORCID iD: 0000-0003-1610-2899
- 2017-2019
- InterMaths Joint MSc in Applied and Interdisciplinary Mathematics, L'Aquila (Italy), Lviv (Ukraine).
- Thesis: "Integrability Analysis and Exact Solutions of Some Nonlinear Dynamical Systems".
- 2013-2017
- BSc in Informatics, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv (Ukraine).
- Optimierung
- Optimale Steuerung
- Wissenschaftliches Rechnen
- Int2Grids - Integration von intelligenten Quartiersnetzen in Verbundnetze (01.05.2020 - 31.12.2023)
Publikationen (Auswahl)
- I. Mykhailiuk, C. Büskens.
Parametric Stability Score for Local Solutions of Constrained Parametric Nonlinear Programs.
GAMM 92nd Annual Meeting of the International Association of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics , 15.08-18.08.2022.
Proceedings in Applied Mathematics & Mechanics, 22(1), Wiley, 2023. - I. Mykhailiuk, K. Schäfer, C. Büskens.
Parametric stability score and its application in optimal control.
IFAC-PapersOnLine, 55(16):172-177, Elsevier, 2022. - I. Mykhailiuk, K. Flaßkamp, C. Büskens, K. Schäfer.
On the Computation of Convergence Regions for Sequential Nonlinear Programming Problems.
GAMM 91st Annual Meeting of the international Association of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, online, 15.03.2021 - 19.03.2021.
Proceedings in Applied Mathematics & Mechanics, 20(1), WILEY-VCH, 2021. - I. Mykhailiuk, K. Schäfer, C. Büskens.
Stability Score for Local Solutions of Unconstrained Parametric Nonlinear Programs.
GAMM 92nd Annual Meeting of the International Association of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics , 15.08-18.08.2022.
Proceedings in Applied Mathematics & Mechanics, 21(1), Wiley, 2021. - I. Mykhailiuk, K. Schäfer, K. Flaßkamp, C. Büskens.
Preferable Minima in Nonlinear Optimization: Definition and Algorithmic Approaches.
, 2020.online unter: https://hessenbox.uni-kassel.de/dl/fi226HzF3AJV3g4LFWM4fWE6/daily_program_2020.pdf?inline