Co-operation and joint projects
By conducting joint research and industrial projects with users from business and science, ZeTeM transfers the latest mathematical methods into the companies and institutes and thus facilitates their use in applications. To this end, ZeTeM contacts those who use mathematics in companies, research institutes and universities.The ZeTeM cooperates with research institutes, universities and companies worldwide. We offer studies and problem analysis to our partners or we develop in close cooperation software solutions, which can be applied in industry or science. Our particular objective is to make modern mathematical methods for problem solving available to medium-sized companies as well.
The possibilities of a cooperation are various. On the one hand there are direct research and development agreements with companies and on the other hand the ZeTeM is initiator or co-applicant for shared projects assisted by public and private sponsors of scientific research and knowledge transfer.
Are you interested in a cooperation with the ZeTeM? Address your request to Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Peter Maaß ((0421) 218-63801, E-Mail: ) or Dr. Ronald Stöver ((0421) 218-63803, E-Mail: ) .