% This file was created by ZeTeM Website % Johannes Leuschner @INBOOK{Maass2022_b8322, author = {Peter Maaß and Sören Dittmer and Tobias Kluth and Johannes Leuschner and Maximilian Schmidt}, chapter = {Mathematische Architekturen für Neuronale Netze}, title = {Erfolgsformeln – Anwendungen der Mathematik}, editor = {Matthias Ehrhardt and Michael Günther and Wil Schilders}, series = {Mathematische Semesterberichte}, pages = {190-195}, publisher = {Springer Verlag}, year = {2022}, doi = {10.1007/s00591-022-00325-y} } @ARTICLE{Arndt2023_c4b93, author = {Clemens Arndt and Alexander Denker and Sören Dittmer and Johannes Leuschner and Judith Nickel and Maximilian Schmidt}, title = {Model-based deep learning approaches to the Helsinki Tomography Challenge 2022}, journal = {Applied Mathematics for Modern Challenges}, volume = {1}, number = {2}, year = {2023}, doi = {10.3934/ammc.2023007} } @ARTICLE{Antorán2023_c9fff, author = {Javier Antorán and R. Barbano and Johannes Leuschner and José Miguel Hernández-Lobato and Bangti Jin}, title = {Uncertainty Estimation for Computed Tomography with a Linearised Deep Image Prior}, journal = {Transactions on Machine Learning Research}, volume = {12}, year = {2023} } @ARTICLE{Barbano2022_4dd3b, author = {R. Barbano and Johannes Leuschner and Maximilian Schmidt and Alexander Denker and Andreas Hauptmann and Peter Maaß and Bangti Jin}, title = {An Educated Warm Start For Deep Image Prior-based Micro CT Reconstruction}, journal = {IEEE Transactions on Computational Imaging}, volume = {8}, pages = {1210-1222}, year = {2022}, doi = {10.1109/TCI.2022.3233188} } @ARTICLE{Arndt2022_916b9, author = {Clemens Arndt and Alexander Denker and Judith Nickel and Johannes Leuschner and Maximilian Schmidt and Gael Rigaud}, title = {In Focus - hybrid deep learning approaches to the HDC2021 challenge}, journal = {Inverse Problems and Imaging}, year = {2022}, doi = {10.3934/ipi.2022061} } @ARTICLE{Schulze2021_f88d6, author = {Sören Schulze and Johannes Leuschner and Emily King}, title = {Blind Source Separation in Polyphonic Music Recordings Using Deep Neural Networks Trained via Policy Gradients}, journal = {MDPI Open Access Journals Signals}, volume = {2}, number = {4}, pages = {637-661}, year = {2021}, doi = {10.3390/signals2040039} } @ARTICLE{Denker2021_ef45b, author = {Alexander Denker and Maximilian Schmidt and Johannes Leuschner and Peter Maaß}, title = {Conditional Invertible Neural Networks for Medical Imaging }, journal = {MDPI Journal of Imaging}, annote = {Inverse Problems and Imaging}, volume = {7}, number = {11}, pages = {243}, year = {2021}, doi = {10.3390/jimaging7110243 } } @ARTICLE{Leuschner2021_5441e, author = {Johannes Leuschner and Maximilian Schmidt and Daniel Otero Baguer and Peter Maaß}, title = {LoDoPaB-CT, a benchmark dataset for low-dose computed tomography reconstruction}, journal = {Scientific Data}, volume = {8}, number = {109}, year = {2021}, doi = {10.1038/s41597-021-00893-z} } @ARTICLE{Leuschner2021_a4944, author = {Johannes Leuschner and Maximilian Schmidt and P.S. Ganguly and V Andriiashen and S.B. Coban and Alexander Denker and D. Bauer and A. Hadjifaradji and K.J. Batenburg and Bolko Maass and M. von Eijnatten}, title = {Quantitative Comparison of Deep Learning-Based Image Reconstruction Methods for Low-Dose and Sparse-Angle CT Applications}, journal = {MDPI Journal of Imaging}, volume = {7}, number = {3}, pages = {44}, year = {2021}, doi = {10.3390/jimaging7030044} } @ARTICLE{OteroBaguer2020_8962c, author = {Daniel Otero Baguer and Johannes Leuschner and Maximilian Schmidt}, title = {Computed Tomography Reconstruction Using Deep Image Prior and Learned Reconstruction Methods}, journal = {Inverse Problems}, volume = {36}, number = {9}, publisher = {IOPscience}, year = {2020}, doi = {10.1088/1361-6420/aba415} } @ARTICLE{Leuschner2018_e5a4f, author = {Johannes Leuschner and Maximilian Schmidt and Pascal Fernsel and Delf Lachmund and Tobias Boskamp and Peter Maaß}, title = {Supervised Non-negative Matrix Factorization Methods for MALDI Imaging Applications}, journal = {Bioinformatics}, annote = {bty909}, year = {2018}, doi = {10.1093/bioinformatics/bty909} } @PHDTHESIS{Leuschner2023_2d5d8, author = {Johannes Leuschner}, title = {Deep Learning for Computed Tomography Reconstruction: Learned Methods, Deep Image Prior, and Uncertaninty Estimation}, school = {Universität Bremen}, year = {2023}, doi = {10.26092/elib/2704} } @CONFERENCE{Nittscher2023_5d5b1, author = {Marco Nittscher and M. F. Lameter and R. Barbano and Johannes Leuschner and Bangti Jin and Peter Maaß}, title = {SVD-DIP: Overcoming the Overfitting Problem in DIP-based CT Reconstruction}, booktitle = {Medical Imaging with Deep Learning (MIDL 2023), 10.07.-12.07.2023}, year = {2023} } @CONFERENCE{Schmidt2021_ed1f3, author = {Maximilian Schmidt and Alexander Denker and Johannes Leuschner}, title = {The Deep Capsule Prior - advantages through complexity}, booktitle = {GAMM 91st Annual Meeting of the international Association of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, online, 15.03.2021 - 19.03.2021}, volume = {21}, number = {1}, year = {2021}, doi = {10.1002/pamm.202100166} } @CONFERENCE{Denker2020_760c8, author = {Alexander Denker and Maximilian Schmidt and Johannes Leuschner and Peter Maaß and Jens Behrmann}, title = {Conditional Normalizing Flows for Low-Dose Computed Tomography Image Reconstruction}, booktitle = {ICML Workshop on Invertible Neural Networks, Normalizing Flows, and Explicit Likelihood Models, 18.07-18.07.2020, Wien, Österreich}, year = {2020} }